What does FREE really mean?

We've all seen those 'join for free, get started for free, earn online for free' opportunities being advertised out there.  Most of them are exactly what they say they are - they are genuinely free to join and they are genuinely free to start earning with.  How do I know this??  Because I'm fortunate enough to be involved with a couple of them and I can 100% guarantee that they are exactly what they are marketed as.

So why doesn't everyone belong to them if they're that good ??

Excellent question and I really don't know.  I do have a theory though.

I suspect that part of the problem is that people see the word 'FREE' and assume it means that all they'll have to do is set a few wheels in motion then sit back and watch the cash flood their bank account.  Sorry but that isn't how it works at all, or at least not the legitimate businesses that will stand the test of time.

The Real Meaning Of Free!

You see, the word 'FREE' simply refers to the fact that it doesn't cost you any money to join and 'Free to Earn with' means that you don't have to spend any money to start making money.  So, it's FREE in a fiscal sense only. 

As far as I'm aware, there isn't actually any way to earn money without doing something in exchange for that money.  This 'something' is generally called WORK.  When you earn money from an employer, you trade your time for money ie you WORK for them in exchange for a wage or salary.  If you own your own business, you trade your time and your expertise for an income. 

Money Doesn't Grow On Trees, Or At Least Not Trees That Don't Require Careful Maintenance And Work  

The principle is exactly the same in the online business /work from home industry.  In order to earn your money you have to provide something in return.  When it's a free opportunity that something invariably is your time.  Think of it like this - putting in the time to market and promote whatever it is you're doing is your 'job'.  That is what you're going to earn money for doing.  And the reality is that for most online earning opportunities, marketing and promoting is part and parcel of earning an income.  Sorry about that.... 

I often think that people check out these opportunities, see that they have to get referrals or sign ups or sell something and decide that as it's supposed to be free they shouldn't have to be doing anything.  Well, my friends, getting referrals, sign ups or selling products is the WORK you have to do in order to earn your money.  It's a job just like any other job.  The only difference is you're free to work whenever and wherever you choose. Learn how to do your job properly and efficiently and you'll undoubtedly be rewarded with an income directly proportionate to the amount of work you put in.


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