
Do You Have A Work From Home Job Or An Online Home Business?

The differences between a 'work at home' job and an 'online home business' do get rather blurred.  Work From Home Job Vs Online Home Business Essentially a 'job', regardless of whether it's online or in a physical workplace, involves providing a service or doing some work for an employer and getting paid directly for performing that service or doing that work.   Many companies have resorted to providing their employees with work at home opportunities during the Covid 19 pandemic.   It's my bet that a fair percentage of these arrangements will remain long after Covid has gone.   This is a ' work at home' job . If you're providing a service / doing the work from home and you are not directly employed by one single employer you can certainly turn it into a service related home business. A resume writing or creative writing service is a good example of this type of home business. An online home business is basically an internet versio...

Learning to be a leader through affiliate marketing

This seems to be a contradiction in terms - surely you need to be a good leader in order to be a successful team leader in an affiliate program ?? Well, not necessarily because quite often being involved in an affiliate marketing program can provide you with the tools and teach you how to become a great leader. Attributes Of A Good Leader A good leader invariably has learned the following skill sets: They do not waste their time on skeptics or on people who aren't motivated to work the program.  They learn to identify and concentrate instead on the workers, on the ones who want to succeed and have, or are prepared to develop, the mindset to succeed.  They communicate regularly and constantly with their team despite external influences and are constantly there to provide support and assistance. They continually motivate and teach their team members the core principles of duplication and motivation. This is the way their network grows and strengthens. They learn to com...

What does FREE really mean?

We've all seen those 'join for free, get started for free, earn online for free' opportunities being advertised out there.  Most of them are exactly what they say they are - they are genuinely free to join and they are genuinely free to start earning with.  How do I know this??  Because I'm fortunate enough to be involved with a couple of them and I can 100% guarantee that they are exactly what they are marketed as. So why doesn't everyone belong to them if they're that good ?? Excellent question and I really don't know.  I do have a theory though. I suspect that part of the problem is that people see the word 'FREE' and assume it means that all they'll have to do is set a few wheels in motion then sit back and watch the cash flood their bank account.  Sorry but that isn't how it works at all, or at least not the legitimate businesses that will stand the test of time. The Real Meaning Of Free! You see, the word 'FREE' simply ref...

How to find those free to join, earn without spending, online business opportunities....

Quite often whilst browsing through the comments on promotional blogs about various online biz opps / programs I see people asking questions like - are there programs like this available outside XYZ countries, are there any opportunities around which genuinely don't require any sort of start up fee, do you know of anything which doesn't require a credit card, can you really make a profit in your first week without spending a cent and so on ........  Invariably the blog owner assures the 'commenter' that 'no, there aren't any that s/he knows of.' Now I don't know if the authors of these blogs, who obviously have a vested interest in ensuring that as many people as possible who read their blogs and the associated comments sign up with their opportunity, genuinely think that there are no programs out there with those features people are asking about??  Or perhaps (way more likely) they're just taking the easy, and most beneficial for them, way out.  F...

How helping others can help YOU get what you want....

One of Zig Zigler's most famous quotes goes thus - "You can get everything you want if you help enough others get what they want". When it comes to internet marketing, never a truer word was spoken.  Many people though make the mistake of thinking that internet marketing or MLM is about selling 'stuff' to people.  It isn't and here's a truth I bet a LOT of people don't know - network marketing is ALL ABOUT TEACHING AND MENTORING. Yup, believe it or not but the most fundamental product of network marketing is in fact 'people'.  It's people you should be studying - what do they want, how can they be helped to achieve THEIR dreams (not YOUR dreams)....   Build your business around people and you'll keep most of them.  People join people.  People aren't interested in joining companies where they're just treated as yet another number, another figure in the recruitment list. Every successful marketing company that has survi...

Can We Really Trust Network Marketers?

What is it about multi level and network marketing that makes people automatically think 'SCAM'? The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning; to create a product or service to make the world a better place . ~Guy Kawasaki Multi Level Marketing Or Pyramid Scheme If you think multi level marketing and pyramid scheme are one and the same thing, you're not alone.  Unfortunately the terms 'MLM' (multi level marketing and also referred to as network marketing , direct selling, referral marketing etc) and 'down line' conjure up a negative image with many people because they associate them with illegal pyramid schemes and scams.  Nothing could be further from the truth and if you know what to look for you can easily tell which is which.   A Pyramid Scheme requires you to pay a fee to 'start earning'.  Unfortunately though that is about all a PS consists of - the ' income' is solely derived from those 'join up fees ...

Do any of these refer to you?

I came across these sayings the other week and it occurred to me that they apply to so many people, especially in the online business game. ·         Money talks or interest walks! ·         Show me the money or see you later! ·         Give me, give me, give me! ·         Money on a plate or I'm out the gate! ·         Instant gratification is the name of the game! You see, these days no one seems prepared to put in the work required to make a success of something, anything.  They expect it all for nothing and when that doesn’t happen, they claim it’s a ‘scam’ or ‘it doesn’t work’ and so on.  God forbid that they should actually have to work at something to earn.  There are online business platforms out there that are 100% legitimate businesses and if you have the mindset to make a ...