Things you should know about Network Marketing ....
Network marketing has its origins in plain old 'word of mouth' recommendation and to this day this is STILL the number one method of endorsement for products and services. If you want to find out how good, bad or indifferent something is the first thing you do is find someone you know who has used or bought it and you ask them for their opinion. Network marketing simply uses this 'personal recommendation / word of mouth' networking to promote particular goods and services. In return, those who promote and recommend are rewarded for their services by receiving a share of the proceeds of sales that result from their PR efforts. This share is part of normally what would otherwise have been spent on advertising. Of course, if this concept is going to work to its fullest potential it does require that those who recommend and promote the products should actually have first hand experience of them. Otherwise it just becomes yet another 'hard sell' which doesn...