Things you should know about Network Marketing ....

Network marketing has its origins in plain old 'word of mouth' recommendation and to this day this is STILL the number one method of endorsement for products and services.  If you want to find out how good, bad or indifferent something is the first thing you do is find someone you know who has used or bought it and you ask them for their opinion.

Network marketing simply uses this 'personal recommendation / word of mouth' networking to promote particular goods and services.  In return, those who promote and recommend are rewarded for their services by receiving a share of the proceeds of sales that result from their PR efforts.  This share is part of normally what would otherwise have been spent on advertising.

Of course, if this concept is going to work to its fullest potential it does require that those who recommend and promote the products should actually have first hand experience of them.  Otherwise it just becomes yet another 'hard sell' which doesn't work nearly as well.

Unfortunately network marketing does have a bad rap because, like a lot of other inherently good ideas and systems, a few bad eggs have smelt out the entire system with rip offs and scams so people are naturally suspicious of them all.  You can spot the differences though by carefully looking at the nature, quality and pricing of the products on offer.

Legitimate network marketing business or not....?

If the products and services are either worthless or so over priced that no one who doesn't have a vested interest in selling them would ever consider buying them then chances are you should be highly suspicious of that organisation.  If, on the other hand, the products appear to be genuine, of good quality and are reasonably priced then you can be pretty sure the operation is legit and that you stand a fair chance of making some money out of promoting them.

Obviously it then pays to purchase a few for your own use so that you can give genuine and honest opinions about them.  Experience has proven over and over that personal experience with a product or service IS important, even on the internet.  Just as the sharing of personal experiences with products and services is the most effective off line marketing technique, it's also the most effective online one as well.

Internet Marketing or Network Marketing

So to sum up:
  • internet marketing is the promotion and advertising of e-commerce sites like Amazon, TripleClicks, Ebay, ClickBank etc and the use of various forms of electronic and social media to promote businesses and services
  • network marketing is the promotion and selling of products and services using word of mouth recommendations and social interaction networks like family, friends, workplace etc.  Network marketing is also widely known as Affiliate Marketing.  
A point to bear in mind here - there is a common perception that network marketing is all about sellling but it is about a lot more than than.  Network marketing is just as equally about people; about building relationships with people; about learning how to understand people - what motivates them, what do they want out of life etc.  Once you understand that core principle, once you can read people and figure out how you can help them enrich their lives THEN you are on the path to success as a network marketer.


  1. There sure are but the most important thing with social media networks is to remember the 'social' bit and interact with people accordingly.


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